
Get more likes!

Apart from adding a 360 Street View Tour to your Google Business page, the next best thing to get Google to push you up the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is to get loads of likes and reviews.

So how do you get them?
Simples… you ask for them!
And to make it easy for your customers to do just that, give them a shortcode they can click on, or a QR code they can scan that will take them straight there!

Here’s an example of a shortcode that goes straight to the review page!


And the QR Code for it:

, 360 Photo Team

Go on, click or scan.
(And while you’re there, maybe leave a review!)

So, you can easily do this yourself: just post the shortcode out to clients and friends; have a QR code on a wall or counter with “How did we do?” or simply have it printed on your business card, flyer, or T-shirt!

Now, I hear you asking, how do we do this, it all sounds very complicated. Well, it isn’t!!

Open your Googe Business Profile Manager ( Click https://business.google.com and log in) then on the side, click: “Home

, 360 Photo Team

Navigate down to “Get more reviews” and click on the “Share review form” button

, 360 Photo Team

Up will pop your shortcode. You can share that directly to your favorite social media or copy the code and you are able to share it yourself in a post or message.

, 360 Photo Team

Test the shortcode by pasting it into a browser:

, 360 Photo Team

Paste to shortcode into a QR Generator (I’ve used https://goqr.me/ here). Don’t be tempted by the offer to shorten the code further, as it will go against you in some search engines!

, 360 Photo Team


Download and use the QR Code and the shortcode to build up your likes and reviews on your Google Business Page!

For more information on how 360 Photo Team can help put your business on the Map, contact us by filling in the form:

[contact-form-7 id=”544″ title=”Contact Form”]